I completed my first surgery today.
My patient was so cooperative.
She just stood there as I approached her
With a knife.
I took her outside. To the gravel drive.
Mom would have killed me
if I had gotten blood on her new beige carpets.
I stole the duct tape out of dad’s tool box.
He was at work so I don’t think he missed it.
I wrapped the tape around her mouth.
No good getting bit on the first go around.
I reached for my knife.
She squirmed like a worm on a hook.
As I made my first incision.
Just under her rib cage to midway of her stomach.
I’ve seen this done a million times before.
Well three actually. And it was on cats.
But how hard could it be? And how different can a dog be?
After her blood poured out of her
like molasses on a hot summer day
She laid still and did not dare to move.
I took out all of her insides that I could reach.
I inspected each one like a mother-in-law
does her son’s new wife’s cooking.
When I was done,
I put everything back like the picture in my memory showed.
The thread I obtained from April’s sewing kit
Just would not hold the skin together.
So I reached beside me and grabbed the duct tape.
Duct tape and super glue hold everything together.
So if this hadn’t worked. I would have grabbed
the super glue from the kitchen drawer.
Luckily It did work.
Well here is the results from my surgery today.
I learned all bout the ins and outs of a dog.
However, she did not make it through the surgery.
I tried to wake her. To tell her that it was all over.
But she would not hear it.
I had mom bury her under the willow down by the river.
Boy, was she ever mad.
Apparently I have to wait until after vet school
before I can practice on my own.
On my own? You say? Ok. Mom. I will not practice
on my own until after school. I promise.
Hey Lisa. Where did you say you kept your parrot?
Wanna do a biology experiment with him?
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